Understanding Sales

Add an adapter to the Core SDK, to normalize interactions with the contract


Create a directory in /packages/sdk/src and name it using only lowercase characters and dash (-) instead of space. For example: lorem-ipsum for the Lorem Ipsum protocol.

Create addresses.ts and add the protocol’s exchange contract address for each network:

// addresses.ts
 import { ChainIdToAddress, Network } from "../utils";
 export const Exchange: ChainIdToAddress = {
  [Network.Ethereum]: "0x9757f2d2b135150bbeb65308d4a91804107cd8d6",
  [Network.EthereumGoerli]: "0xd4a57a3bd3657d0d46b4c5bac12b3f156b9b886b",

Create index.ts an export the Exchange object from addresses.ts

import * as Addresses from "./addresses";
 export { Addresses };
Edit /packages/sdk/src/index.ts to export the new protocol’s addresses.

import * as LoremIpsum from "./lorem-ipsum";
export {

Start listening to and saving events (fills, cancels, etc) in the Indexer


import { Interface } from "@ethersproject/abi";
 import { Rarible } from "@reservoir0x/sdk";
 import { config } from "@/config/index";
 import { EventData } from "@/events-sync/data";
 export const match: EventData = {
  kind: "rarible-match",
  addresses: { [Rarible.Addresses.Exchange[config.chainId].toLowerCase()
 ]: true },
  topic: "0x268820db288a211986b26a8fda86b1e0046281b21206936bb0e61c67b5c79ef4",
  numTopics: 1,
  abi: new Interface([
   `event Match(
     bytes32 leftHash,
     bytes32 rightHash,
     address leftMaker,
     address rightMaker,
     uint newLeftFill,
     uint newRightFill,
     (bytes4 assetClass, bytes data) leftAsset,
     (bytes4 assetClass, bytes data) rightAsset

Create [protocol-name].ts in /src/sync/events/data and add a method for each event that will be tracked. The fields correspond to the following:

  • kind: unique identifier for the event (format: lowercase and replace spaces with dash (-))
  • addresses: an object where the key is the exchange contract address and value equal true. Use the SDK to retrieve the contract address
  • topic: the even topic. Use the following script to get this value
const { Interface } = require('@ethersproject/abi')
const main = () => {
 const iface = new Interface([
   `event Match(
     bytes32 leftHash,
     bytes32 rightHash,
     address leftMaker,
     address rightMaker,
     uint newLeftFill,
     uint newRightFill,
     (bytes4 assetClass, bytes data) leftAsset,
     (bytes4 assetClass, bytes data) rightAsset

If the event contains an Interface, replace it with a solidity data type. For example, from IERC20 token to address token.

To run this script you need to run npm init -y and install ethers.js yarn add ethers. Once finished, run the script using node main.js

  • numTopics: The number of topics for the event
  • abi: The event’s abi

Go to /src/sync/events/data/index.ts and

  1. Import all the methods from /src/sync/events/data/[protocol-name].ts:
    import * as rarible from "@/events-sync/data/rarible";
  2. Add new event types to the EventDataKind type. Include the type for each event created in 3. /src/sync/events/data/[protocol-name].ts
  3. Pass the events in /src/sync/events/data/[protocol-name].ts to the getEventData method.
  4. Add a case for each event to the internalGetEventData method

Create a migration file which will add [protocol-name] as a valid order kind.

In your terminal go to the root directory of the indexer repo and call
yarn migrate create -t sql [protocol-name]-order-kind

and then change the content of the generated file to:

-- Up Migration
ALTER TYPE "order_kind_t" ADD VALUE '[protocol-name]';
-- Down Migration

Go to /src/sync/events/index.ts and in the switch case of the syncEvents method add a case for each event in /src/sync/events/data/[protocol-name].ts

case "event-name": {
             const { args } = eventData.abi.parseLog(log);
             const leftHash = args["leftHash"].toLowerCase();
             const leftMaker = args["leftMaker"].toLowerCase();
             const rightMaker = args["rightMaker"].toLowerCase();
             const newLeftFill = args["newLeftFill"].toString();
             const newRightFill = args["newRightFill"].toString();
             const leftAsset = args["leftAsset"];
             const rightAsset = args["rightAsset"];
             // Format or modify the parsed data from `args` and
             // push a new object to the database using
             // fillEventsPartial.push()

Make sure to make all the addresses lowercase.

To test the integration:

  • Run docker-compose up to bootstrap a local postgres and redis instance. (The Docker daemon must be running in the background)
  • In a separate terminal, run yarn; yarn build; yarn start to migrate the database and start the indexer
  • Run
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'X-Admin-Api-Key: admin' -d '{"fromBlock": 1, "toBlock": 1}’ http://localhost:3000/admin/sync-events` 

To sync events for any particular block

The results would be shown in http://localhost:3000/sales/bulk/v1

You may log the args object to debug any issues.