API Key & Rate Limits

The Reservoir Hosted API is designed to have as few limits as possible, while also putting basic protections in place to prevent abuse.

In a nutshell, there's no use-case that it should not support, and if you're running into rate limits, we will work closely with you to either improve your querying pattern or increase your limit.

Rate Limits (Starting October 1st)

No Key

60 Requests Per Minute (1 RPS)
Suitable for basic testing and small client-side apps

Sign up and manage your apps

You can start creating apps which come with a 4 RPS (240 RPM) API key. Visit our developer dashboard to get started.

If you need higher usage and rate limits visit our billing dashboard to upgrade your subscription or contact our team to learn more about our custom enterprise plans.

Monitoring Usage


You to check the global and per route limits that apply to your key here.


Each API response includes 3 headers to help you keep track of your limits:
x-ratelimit-limit = limit for this route
x-ratelimit-remaining = amount remaining
x-ratelimit-reset = timestamp when counter resets