Other Supported Marketplaces (API)

Access other Reservoir supported marketplaces data & trading

Getting Started with Market on Reservoir

Reservoir offers access to 150+ marketplaces through our simple, and powerful APIs, SDKs & UI kits. You can find a list of supported marketplaces, here. To access data or trading for one of these marketplaces get started with an API key which has a generous free plan & affordable paid subscriptions. All Reservoir endpoints include orders from all of our supported marketplaces. Should you want to access a specific market's data and trading specifically, you can. However, Reservoir doesn't support posting orders to all marketplaces. The following sections outline how to access a specific marketplace's data and trading using Reservoir.

Getting Market Data & Orders

  • Sales - Get Sales from our Sales API. Filtering using the API is not currently supported, so get all sales for a token, collection, or attribute, and filter on the front end using "orderSource": "MARKETPLACE_DOMAIN"or "fillSource": "MARKETPLACE_DOMAIN". When using orderSource you are filtering by sales whose orders are native to that marketplace, while filtering on fillSource will return all sales that were filled on that marketplace, regardless of the order origination marketplace.
  • Asks (Listings) - Asks (listings) can be accessed through our Asks API. To get listings, ensure to set the source=MARKETPLACE_DOMAIN. An example of the response.
  • Bids (Offers) - Bids (offers) can be accessed through our Bids API. To get offers, ensure to set the source=MARKETPLACE_DOMAIN. An example of the response.

Trading on Market through Reservoir

  • Buying - Get the listings data and fill those orders either using the API or SDK (recommended)
  • Selling - Get the bid data and fill the bids either using the API or SDK (recommended)
  • Creating Asks (Listings) - Create the listing through the API or the SDK (recommended), set the "orderKind": "DESIRED_PROTOCOL" & "orderbook": "DESIRED_ORDERBOOK" and check the cross-post status
  • Create Bids (Offers) - Create the offer through the API or the SDK (recommended) set the "orderKind": "DESIRED_PROTOCOL" & "orderbook": "DESIRED_ORDERBOOK" and check the cross-post status.

**Not all marketplaces allow posting orders using Reservoir