NFT Data Overview

Real-time and historical NFT market data and metadata

Get real-time NFT data including ownership data, transactions and transfers, market data, and collection and token metadata.

DataDescriptionUse Case
Activity DataRecent and historical activity: mints, bids, asks, sales and transfers
Collection activityActivity filtered by collectionBuild a collection activity feed
User activityActivity filtered by userBuild an activity feed for a user
Token activityActivity filtered by tokenBuild an activity feed for a token
Collection AttributesCollection attribute data including counts, floor prices and top bids
Explore attributesDetailed data about attributes in a collection including attribute floors, tokenCounts, etc. with comprehensive filtersGet a detailed understanding of specific attributes in a collection
All attributesGet all attributes in a collectionGet all attributes in a collection
Collection DataComprehensive data about NFT Collections
CollectionsGet detailed collection metadata and statisticsShowcase collections in your app
Search collectionsSearch for a collection by name, community, or collectionSetIdIn app collection search
Supported marketplaces by collectionList of marketplaces supported by a collectionUnderstand which marketplaces are supported by a collection
User collectionsGet detailed collection metadata, statistics, and market data for collections owned by a userShow a user collection information based on collections they own
Set a community for a specific collectionSet the community for a particular collectionUpdate the community for a specific collection
Create Collection SetGroup collections into a collectionSet with a unique collectionSetIdCreate a grouping of collections to utilize throughout the Reservoir APIs
Refresh CollectionRefresh collection metadata and ordersTrigger when stale collection data is obvserved
EventsOrder events to stay up to date with the current orderbook

All events return aggregated bid and listings data
Asks status changesAsk (listing) status change events filterable by contractGet updated any time the status of an ask changes
Bid status changesBid status change events filterable by contractGet updated any time the status of a bid changes
Collection floor changesCollection floor price events, for global and non-flagged token floorsGet updated any time the floor price of a collection changes
Collection top bid changesCollection top bid eventsGet updated any time the top bid on a collection changes
Token price changesToken floor price change eventsGet updated any time the floor listing for a particular token changes
OrdersExecutable Bids and Asks (Listings) for all marketplaces
Cross posting ordersStatus of cross-posted ordersGet the status of a cross-posted order to ensure it was posted validly
Asks (listings)Asks (listings) filterable by token, collection, source, status and makerGet fillable listings from all marketplaces
Bids (offers)Bids filterable by token, collection, source, status and makerGet fillable bids from all marketplaces
User Top BidsTop bids for a users' tokensShow a user fillable top bids on their tokens
Ownership DataData on token and collection ownership
OwnersOwners filtered by collection, collectionSetId, or attributesExplore top owners in a collection or attribute
Common CollectionsCollections commonly owned by array of ownersExplore top common collections held by a set of users
Owners intersectionAddresses that own all in a group of collectionsFind addresses that own most token in a group of collections
Owners Collection DistributionCollection ownership distributionShow the distribution of owners in collection
Owners Collection Set DistributionCollectionSet ownership distributionShow the distribution of owners in collectionSet
Sales Data
SalesSales data for a collection or tokenGet recent sales data for a collection or token
Sources ListList of sourcesGet all used sources in the Reservoir ecosystem
StatsAggregated statistics for collection, attribute or tokenGet tokenCounts, flaggedTokenCounts, floorAsks, topBids, and more for a collection, attribute, or token
Daily collection volumeDaily collection statisticsGet daily volume, rank, and sales count by collection
User bid liquidity rankingsTop bid liquidity user rankings by collectionGet a measure of liquidity created by users against a collection
Token Data
TokensGet tokens with full metadata, market, and order data by collection, collectionSet, or tokenSetShow a token page with token images and other metadata, and prices
Token Events BootstrapGet the latest price even per token in a collectionBootstrap so you can listen to future token events and keep track of prices
Token PricesGet the best price of every token in a collection that is on saleShow the prices of tokens within a collection
Token IDsGet token IDs by collection, contract, or tokenSetIDQuickly get all the token IDs in a set
Flagged TokensGet recently token flag status changesStay in sync with token flag status changes
User TokensGet tokens held by a userShow users their tokens with associated orders and token data like acquisition date
Create token setCreate a token setCreate a token set to act against throughout the Reservoir API
Transfer Data
Historical token transfersTransfer data by contract or tokenGet recent transfers for a contract or token
Bulk historical transfersBulk access historical transfersBackfill transfers data
Collection floor price oracleGet a signed message of any collection's floor price (spot or TWAP)Leverage verifiable floor price data on-chain
Collection top bid oracleGet a signed message of any collection's top collection bid (spot or TWAP)Leverage verifiable top bid data on-chain
Token status oracleGet a signed message of any token's flagged token status and last transfer timeLeverage verifiable token flagged status and last transfer time top on-chain


Logic Behind orderId Creation

If you're interested in how order ids are created check out this reference, Order ID Creation Logic.