
Do anything crosschain by specifying txs to be executed on the target chain.

You can supply an object of parameters listed below:

toChainIdThe chain id to interact withtrue1
walletA valid WalletClient from viem or a ReservoirWallet generated from an adapter. Learn more about adapters.trueRefer to viem's documentation on WalletClients_
txsAn array of either transaction objects (made up of a to, data and value properties) or viem request objects returned from viem's simulateContract function. A code snippet is provided below which show an example of this in conjunction with the Zora protocol SDKtrue[{to: "0x30385bce01da4b415cae1db21d41e9f6eab3ba50", value: "1000000", data: "0x" }]
onProgressCallback to update UI state as execution progresses. Can also be used to get the transaction hash for a given step item.true(steps) => { console.log(steps) }
chainIdOverride the current active chainfalse1
precheckA boolean indicating whether to just get back the steps/path and not to execute them. This is useful for checking if marketplace approval is required before iterating over the steps.falsetrue


import { getClient, Execute } from "@reservoir0x/reservoir-sdk";
import { createWalletClient, http } from 'viem'


wallet = createWalletClient({
  account: address,
  transport: http()

  toChainId: 8453,
  txs: [{to: "0x30385bce01da4b415cae1db21d41e9f6eab3ba50", value: "1000000", data: "0x"}]
  wallet: wallet,
  onProgress: (steps) => {
import "./styles.css";
import { ConnectButton } from "@rainbow-me/rainbowkit";
import { useReservoirClient } from "@reservoir0x/reservoir-kit-ui";
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { ReservoirClientActions } from "@reservoir0x/reservoir-sdk";
import { createPublicClient, http, WriteContractParameters } from "viem";
import { useWalletClient } from "wagmi";
import { createMintClient } from "@zoralabs/protocol-sdk";
import { base, zora } from "viem/chains";

export default function App() {
  const sdkClient = useReservoirClient();
  const { data: wallet } = useWalletClient({

  const customMint = useCallback(async () => {
    if (!wallet || !wallet.account?.address) {
      throw "A wallet is required to mint!";

    if (!sdkClient) {
      throw "Reservoir SDK not initialized";

    const mintClient = createMintClient({ chain: zora });
    const publicClient = createPublicClient({
      chain: zora,
      transport: http(),
    const prepared = await mintClient.makePrepareMintTokenParams({
      // token to mint
      tokenAddress: "0x03e4f2838b2e821d2117a78a278c4e3166d97339",
      tokenId: "4",
      mintArguments: {
        // address that will receive the token
        mintToAddress: wallet.account.address,
        // quantity of tokens to mint
        quantityToMint: 1,
        // comment to include with the mint
        mintComment: "Cross-Chain Minting via Reservoir!",
      // account that is to invoke the mint transaction
      minterAccount: wallet.account.address,

    // simulate the transaction and get any validation errors
    const { request } = await publicClient.simulateContract(prepared);
    const actions = sdkClient.actions as ReservoirClientActions;{
      txs: [request],
      onProgress: () => {},
  }, [sdkClient, wallet]);

  return (
            style={{ marginTop: 16, marginRight: "auto" }}
            Custom Mint + Zora SDK